Főoldal > SZÉPSÉG > Félmeztelen a világ legráncosabb 29 éves modellje

Félmeztelen a világ legráncosabb 29 éves modellje

genetikamodellráncokrendellenességsara geurts


Sara Geurts a pozitív testkép igazi élharcosa.

Sara még nincs 30 éves, de ráncos bőre miatt inkább 70-80 közötti idősebb nőhöz hasonlít. A ma már modellként dolgozó lány 10 éves volt, amikor egy nagyon ritka genetikai betegséget, Ehlers–Danlos-szindrómát diagnosztizáltak nála. Ez egy kötőszöveti rendellenesség, aminek befolyása van a szervezet kollagéntermelésére.

Sara viszont nincs elkeseredve, példaértékű, ahogy megtanult együtt élni betegségével, de ami ennél is fontosabb: harmóniában van önmagával és testével! Sikeres modellként dolgozik, közösségi oldalán több, mint 84 ezer követője van.

Hogy mennyire elégedett az életével és mennyire szereti a testét, mi sem bizonyítja jobban, hogy fürdőruhában és fehérneműben sem szégyelli megmutatni magát. Fotói pedig gyönyörűek!


A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon


Good afternoon lovelies 😘😘 May marks Ehlers Danlos Awareness month 🙌🙌🙌 which means even though im struggling with still being sick & my own symptoms (physically and mentally) I’m going to be posting as many photos with random EDS facts, things about myself, and/or helpful tips throughout the month of May. • • Soo with these photos here I’d like to not only address my skin, which in its extremity is a symptom specifically to my crossover types of EDS, classical and dermatosparaxis. My scarring and ‘backne’ has been something I have struggled with almost all my life and actually have cystic/sore acne not only on my back but anywhere my skin is in excess or folds. This has always been an issue for me and causes not only pain but also deep scarring.. I’m also not able to use body washes with high perfumes or dyes as this irritates my skin more. I’ve found that Dr. Bronners soap works best for me in terms of non irritation and to maintain outbreaks as well. • • I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday and together we can raise awareness. 💓💓 • • • Photographer 📸 – @brianaberglund MUA/HAIR STYLIST/CO-DIRECTOR – @lunaglow.makeup Lashes – @lillylashes • #check3589 • • • • • • • #womancrushwednesday #wcw #photography #instaphoto #influencer #love #doyou #photoshoot #ehlersdanlos #ehlersdanlossyndrome #effyourbeautystandards #inmyskiniwin #loveyourbody #loveyourlines #selflove #beyou #bebeautiful #blessed #happy #inspire #embrace #beauty #model #real #ilovemybody #bodypositive #goodvibesonly #perfectlyimperfect #thisisme

Sara Geurts (@sarageurts) által megosztott bejegyzés, Máj 1., 2019, időpont: 12:19 (PDT időzóna szerint)


A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon


“She distanced herself to save herself.” • • My recent sickness and journey with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome has been really hard on me, emotionally and physically…After a very painful MRI last week we are now worried about slipping disk in my neck not being able to support my head weight as well as numerous upcoming appointments with specialist for my Gastroparesis, MALS & POTS. I also have now found I will not be able to return to my regular job even after we are able to complete these tests..which for someone who has worked since 14 has been hard to grasp.. I apologize for my absence and hope you are able to understand it’s a day by day process for me and your support and love means so much… I’m trying to respark the flame of my vision and inspirations and not fall into a complete negative state but find these recents events to be taking there toll… BUT I will not give up. I will try my hardest to remain positive and strive today and everyday to do as much as I can when I can, and to be patient, vulnerable and love my body in the times and events I can’t… this is something I am really working on and is all so new to me.. I am hopeful during this time I will remain positive and there will have been some good… answers provided for long awaited questions…this too shall pass..and thank you all again for your neverending uplifting love and support.. yall keep me going & special shoutout and love to mama @sberglund3 whose been there through all of this… and dealing with my emotional self..love you so much and I will keep everyone as updated as possible. Love you all. 💕💋 • • Photographer 📸 – @brianaberglund MUA – @lunaglow.makeup • • • • • • • • • • • #womancrushwednesday #wcw #f21xme #photoshoot #nofilter #influencer #asian #love #ehlersdanlossyndrome #effyourbeautystandards #inmyskiniwin #loveyourbody #loveyourlines #bodylove #bodypositive #selflove #beyou #doyou #bebeautiful #blessed #inspire #embrace #beauty #sorrynotsorry #perfectlyimperfect #model #inspire #model #real #goodvibesonly #perfectlyimperfect #thisisme #beautiful

Sara Geurts (@sarageurts) által megosztott bejegyzés, Máj 15., 2019, időpont: 10:07 (PDT időzóna szerint)


A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon


“When people say “recovery”, you typically think of returning to how were you before your illness. But there is no going back. You do not merely recover, but reinvent yourself. You become something completely different from what you were before.” 💕 • • With May marking EDS awareness month I wanted to share our most recent shoot in which I portrayed certain EDS positions. Ehlers Danlos is a genetic disorder that effects our collagen, and many other systems. Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins within our bodies and is the main component of our connective tissues. This makes EDS individuals more prone to joint dislocations, and individuals may also be extremely flexible and double jointed as well. This is only a handful of the symptoms of this disorder as Ehlers Danlos is a multi systematic disorder and affects all our systems. • • • • • • • • Photographer 📸 – @brianaberglund MUA – @lunaglow.makeup • • • • • • • • • • • #womancrushwednesday #wcw #photography #photoshoot #nofilter #influencer #asian #love #ehlersdanlossyndrome #effyourbeautystandards #inmyskiniwin #loveyourbody #loveyourlines #bodylove #bodypositive #selflove #beyou #doyou #bebeautiful #blessed #inspire #embrace #beauty #sorrynotsorry #perfectlyimperfect #model #inspire #model #real #goodvibesonly #perfectlyimperfect #thisisme #beautiful

Sara Geurts (@sarageurts) által megosztott bejegyzés, Máj 15., 2019, időpont: 1:09 (PDT időzóna szerint)


(Fotók, címlapi kép: Instagram/Sara Geurts)

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